Seagull Century

October 4th in Salisbury, I'll be participating at the Sea Gull Century Bike ride. According to Ride magazine, its one of the "prettiest big rides in America".

The Ride Route:

22.1 Milburn Landing . . . . . .8 a.m.-3 p.m.
42.1 Whiton Crossing. . . .9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
62.7 Assateague Island . . . .10 a.m.-3 p.m.
83.9 Adkins Mill Pond . . . . .10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Ok guys, realistically, I should have been training months ago to finish this 100 mile race. I only got on my bike for the first time in 10 plus years about a month ago. and I've ridden my bike twice. the ride is in 2 weeks and I'm thinking, I don't think I'll do 100 miles. Maybe 10... maybe 20. I really would like to get to Assateague Island, I've heard its really nice!!! so maybe I'll keep that in mind so I can get to it. That's 62 miles though.....ahhhhhh.


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