Make coffee please!

Seriously, how hard is it to make coffee? I mean, yea, we have one of these industrial size coffee makers but everyone in this office knows how to make it! The attorneys think they are too important to make coffee, I'm sorry, I'm not your maid, that is not in my job description, everyone fends for themselves. The receptionist thinks its not her duty but yet it is. Everyone else is just too lazy to do it themselves.

It's not hard nor time consuming. I can teach you NOW!

Step 1: Take 1 filter and put it in the filter receptacle.
Step 2: Open regular coffee bag and put the coffee in the filter.
Step 3: Put the receptacle in the top part of the coffee maker.
Step 4: Open the put by pushing a button
Step 5: Hit the brew button

Presto change-o. We're done! It takes all of 2 minutes. Now, let me go get some coffee I just made.


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