Open Letter
Attention to the following:
Giant: stop selling day old sushi, that's trifling.
Coldplay: a new album is needed asap, and don't tell me you're not coming to DC until the year 2013.
Coldplay haters: shut your trap.
JJ Abrams: get working on the Star Trek sequel. I have faith in you.
Summer of 2009: I have awaited for your arrival, please make it pleasant and humid-less. My hair and makeup will be very grateful.
Tara Asia of Rockville: You're drunken noodle sucked today, and no delivery? You're fired.
J.Crew: Stop teasing me about "private sales" they are not at all private if everyone can go to the website and access it.
J.P.'s iPod: why did you stop playing Diva? I haven't heard it in weeks.
Justin Timberlake: please bring sexyback to DC. And another album would be nice in the fall.