I like Rom-Coms

Holla! What up blogger fam? (excuse the hood talk). So today is 3-13-12. That will be cool next year. Today it's just a random Tuesday. Sometimes I ask myself what can I do to inspire myself to write a blog post. I always have random experiences that I like to share but then I have to put them down in words and then it doesn't seem as shareable anymore. So then I go and read other people's blogs and some are so cool and I'm like yes! I'm going to be cool too! haha. But I can't think of anything cool to write about myself....

So today I'll just share a youtube chick that I LOVEEEEE. She's so funny, her username is RizzRose2. She does make-up but she does vlogs. (video-blogs) of her life. She lives in Vegas with her 2 cutie patotie twins. So def check her out. She loves MAC therefore I want to be her friend so she can do my makeup.


P.S. I wrote the title to my blog after I had written it. I know, nothing to do about Rom-Coms but I do love them. (Wedding Planner, She's All that, The Proposal, etc...)


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