Good Morning!!!

Guysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. It's Wednesday. I have a light day of work ahead of me and I couldn't be anymore excited about that. I can do personal stuff like update my blog and finally write some cards and send them out! Also, it is a beautiful day today, I will be running errands during lunch which means I can be outside! Yay! Ok so updates on my life:

  • I have a disease!!! It's called Hashimoto Thyroiditis. It's real, seriously, look it up. I'm not happy about it but it's treatable and that, my friends, is the silver lining in this crappy diagnosis.
  • I have to lose weight in order to help regulate my hormones and such, I've lost 8 lbs in 2 months, mostly due to the meds I started taking. The doc did determine the reason I wasn't losing weight before even though I tried so much was because of this Thyroid issue so I'm glad it wasn't because of my laziness.
  • I switched jobs. (wow, it's been a while since I updated) I was laid off my old job due to circumstances out of everyone's control except for my ex-boss who is greedy. But my new job is so much more better. I can't even explain how much better it is, it just way better and I'm much happier.
  • I cut my hair!!! Finally. It feels like forever, it's been about 3 years since I've had my hair short. So much easier to maintain.
  • I think I'll be starting a new photo project in September. I literally just thought about it while I was typing. Not sure what I want to do yet, I got lazy with the ABC Project so I will be searching for a new one.
  • September is like the best month ever guys, I always feel so motivated to do stuff so I will be organizing my life to start fresh. Love new beginnings.
That's all for now. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my coffee.


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